The Generator

When we announced our service would be postponed for a week because our generator died, we received so many uplifting messages from customers and fellow food trucks. Thank you so much for being patient as Bartleby underwent transplant surgery. His new generator is in and working just fine.

To our customers: You fiercely loyal devils! Thank you for following along, rooting for us, and sending hilarious “get well soon” messages. We are officially back on the streets and operating on our regular schedule. I seriously cannot wait to feed you all delicious ah-mazing food from our big blue and orange truck―powered by our beautiful new generator. Your kind words kept my chin up and spirits lifted.

To our food truck comrades: Thank you for the tips, tricks, and reminders to have fun. From generator maintenance, to jokes on the pleasures of securing permits, to trading food from window to window, this newbie is already thrilled to be a part of the incredibly welcoming food truck community.

On this bumpy road, I’ve learned an important lesson: food trucks can break, but you can always fix ‘em.
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