Part 2: The Art of Making Seitan from Scratch

Part 2: The Art of Making Seitan from Scratch

Seitan: A Versatile, Protein-Packed Meat Substitute

Seitan is versatile, nutrient-dense, and packed with protein. There are a ton of different ways to prepare it, and because of that, you can add a protein-rich element to any recipe in place of meat.

What is Seitan?

Seitan is made from Vital Wheat Gluten, the protein strands separated and isolated from regular flour, giving it the nickname “wheat meat.” Vital Wheat Gluten flour can be found in many grocery stores in the specialty flour section, with Bob’s Red Mill being a common brand. This flour is the main ingredient in any seitan recipe.

How to Make Seitan

Most seitan recipes mimic bread recipes where you create a dough from wet and dry ingredients. Here are some tips and tricks to ensure your seitan turns out perfect:

Flour Mix

  • Recipes often mix Vital Wheat Gluten flour with other types of flour to break up the gluten strands. This mix determines how chewy and dense your seitan will be. Using 100% Vital Wheat Gluten flour will result in the densest and chewiest seitan.

Spice Mix

  • Your spices should reflect the flavor you want in your seitan. Be creative by adding chopped onion, peppers, or sun-dried tomatoes. Use the same spices you would use for meat in the same dish.

Wet Mix

  • Common wet ingredients include veggie broth, tahini mixture, liquid smoke, or tomato paste. These additions help break down tough gluten strands and add extra flavor.

Kneading Time

  • After mixing the wet ingredients with your flour and spices, knead the dough. The longer you knead, the more gluten strands form, creating a chewy texture. Be careful not to over-knead, as this will make the seitan too dense and rubbery. Ensure the dough has no dry spots.

Resting Time

  • Allow the dough to rest to form gluten strands, creating a chewy texture without becoming too dense.


  • Adding a marinade helps enhance the flavor. You can use any meat marinade recipe for seitan.

Cooking Methods


  • This method is great for making sausage or deli meats. Wrap the seitan dough tightly in aluminum foil (or cheesecloth) and place it in a steamer basket to cook for 45-60 minutes.


  • The most common cooking method, simmering often uses broth to add more flavor. Be sure not to let the water boil, as this will make the seitan rubbery and overcooked.

Seitan Recipes to Try

Experiment and have fun making seitan at home!

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